viernes, 29 de junio de 2012

Present simple Vs Present Continuous


The main differences are:

    1.  The present sounds more continuous time while the present simple sounds more permanent.

  2.    Structural differences: the present continuum is the verb "to be" as auxiliary and the "present participle" (a    main verb + "-ing" => studying, for example: "I am studying." "I'm studying.")


Present simple
Present continuous
The present simple is used to indicate actions or actions that are common but not necessarily occurring at the time spoken. For example:

-          I go shopping with my friends - I go shopping with my friends (this means I'm going with them regularly or occasionally, not necessarily now)
This is a continuous tense indicates an action that is happening at the moment it is spoken. It is quite similar to, for example, 'eating', 'walking', 'saying', etc.. In colloquial English also means something that will happen very soon. Now let's see some examples:

-          I am studying for my exam

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